

Two days ago we received a call from close friends in Finland sharing their heartfelt concern about the lack of comprehension, by many people, of the severity of Covid-19 and the potentially life-saving effects of staying home. They wanted to curate and share the real human stories behind Coronavirus, to humanise this global happening and reach down to our hearts, our emotions, our love for our families and our survival instincts. And so, from their self-isolated existence in Finland they launched #coronavirusstories to bring us together, to share our stories and to send out a strong and unequivocal #stayhome message.

We wanted to help and created “Homebound, Humanbond” as a shout out to everyone to care. To stay home. And to share their stories at COvid 19/ Coronavirus stories or by Messenger to @Peter Jerman. Stay home. Stay safe. x

#covid19 #coronavirus #stayhome #staysafe #notjustanumber #liveandletlive #untilthesunrises #homeboundhumanbond